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Constitution and Bylaws


The Constitution of Japan Association for Human Security Studies
Article 1. Name
This association shall be known as the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS).
Article 2. Purpose
The purpose of JAHSS is to promote human security studies, empower young scholars and disseminate multiple research outcomes, in order to contribute to a broader academic community and serve the actual needs of practitioners of human security without regard to nationality.
Article 3. Activities
To achieve these ends, JAHSS shall engage in the following activities:
1) sponsorship of academic conferences, workshops and other events,
2) publication of a peer-reviewed journal,
3) promotion of public relations and mutual learning among members taking advantage of the latest IT technology,
4) cooperation with other organizations inside and outside the country, and
5) other activities related to education, research and practices of human security that are deemed to be appropriate in light of the purpose of JAHSS.

Article 4. Eligibility
Any person who shares the purpose of JAHSS and is willing to join its activities may be a member.
Article 5. Application
Any person who intends to become a member of JAHSS should submit an application to the Secretariat to receive the approval of the Board of Directors.
Article 6. Entitlement
Members are entitled to receive information concerning human security, participate in the General Assembly and other events of the Association, apply for presentations at academic meetings organized by the Association, and attend other activities sponsored by the Association.
Article 7. Membership Fee
Members need to pay a membership fee. There shall be two membership fee categories: regular and student. If members shall neglect to make a payment accordingly, members may not be able to enjoy their membership entitlements. Members who failed to pay membership fees for more than three years will lose membership following the decision of the Board of Directors.
Article 8. Withdrawal
Members who wish to withdraw from the Association at their discretion need to submit a notice of withdrawal, and it needs to be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may suspend or terminate the membership of members who act with malice and/or inflict damage to the Association.
Article 9. General Assembly
The General Assembly shall be convened once a year. In case of necessity, the Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened at the call of the President with consent from the Board of Directors.
Article 10. Decision-Making Process
Decisions at the General Assembly require the approval of a simple majority of the members attending the General Assembly. Amendments to the Constitution require the approval of two-thirds of the members attending the General Assembly. Electronic voting by all members is considered equivalent to the voting at the General Assembly.
Article 11. Directors and Auditors
The Association shall appoint not more than 15 Directors as well as 2 Auditors.
Article 12. Election and Term of Directors and Auditors
The Directors and Auditors shall be elected from among the members of the Association at the General Assembly. The Directors and Auditors shall constitute the Board of Directors and fulfill their assigned duties. The term of Directors and Auditors shall be two years. In principle, they are eligible for reelection only once. However, the term may be extended if the President and the Board of Directors deem it indispensable for the management of the Association.
Article 13. President
The President shall be elected from among the Directors. The President shall represent the Association and preside over the affairs of the Association. As necessary, the President may appoint Deputy President from among the Directors. The term of the President and Deputy President shall be two years. They are eligible for reelection only once.
Article 14. Special Advisors
The Association may appoint Special Advisors. The Special Advisors shall be appointed at the General Assembly upon the deliberation of the Board of Directors. The Special Advisors shall be exempt from payment of the membership fee.
Article 15. Secretariat
The President shall appoint the Secretary General from among the Directors. The Secretary-General shall assist the President and transact daily affairs for the Association. The Secretary General may appoint several Deputy Secretary Generals from among the members of the Association as necessary.
Article 16. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on April 1 and end on March 31 of the following year.
Article 17. Budget and Account Settlement
The budget and account settlement of the Association shall be approved at the General Assembly after discussion at the Board of Directors. The account settlement shall be conducted in an audit by the Auditors.
(The above constitution was unanimously adopted on September 17, 2011)
(Revisions of Articles 5, 6, 7, 12 and 16 were adopted on November 4, 2017)  



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第1条 名称
本会の名称は、人間の安全保障学会とする。英語名称はJapan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS)とする。
第2条 目的
第3条 事業
第4条 入会資格
第5条 入会申請
第6条 会員の権利
第7条 会費
第8条 退会
第9条 総会
第10条 意思決定
第11条 理事及び監事
第12条 理事及び監事の選任と任期
第13条 会長
第14条 特別顧問
第15条 事務局
第16条 会計年度
第17条 予算及び決算

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Japan Association for Human Security Studies 
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